Understanding org unit and context
The organisation structure in Omega 365 is meant to mirror the hierarchical structure of your enterprise or company. it allows you to define and organise different units, departments, projects and contractors. This structure serves as the foundation for managing access, permissions and data visiblity.
An org unit represents a distinct unit in the organisation structure. All data, with very few expections such as some setup/confguration data, belong to an org unit.
Hierarchy and Parent-Child Relationships: The organization structure in Omega 365 follows a hierarchical model. Each org unit is part of this hierarchy and has one and only one parent unit, except for the top-level org unit(s). This hierarchical structure reflects the reporting relationships and allows for easy management of roles and data access permissions.
Data Access through Roles and Org Units: Users in Omega 365 gain access to data by being members of specific roles within org units. Roles define the level of access a user has to various data and functionalities within the system. By assigning users to roles, you can control what information they can view and the actions they can perform.
Context and Data Visibility: The concept of context is crucial in Omega 365 to limit the users' view of data. Context is set by selecting an org unit within the organization structure. Once the context is set to a specific org unit, the user will have visibility into the data associated with that org unit and its sub-units (if any). This ensures that users see relevant information based on their position within the organization.
Setting context: To set the context, the user selects from the org units the user have access to, either by selecting from the list, or from the tree view:
But then, you may very well receive an hyperlink directly to some data, which are outside your select context...how does the system handles that?
First of all, if you do have access to the data, you will see it, regardless of your selected context.
In the left part of the bread crumb, you will see the org unit that the data belongs to. And on the right side, with your avatar, you will see your selected home context.
Example: I get a link to a document in org unit Omega 365 Solutions, which is under Norway. While my seleted home context is Omega 365 Australia:
The document will open nicely, and the left part of the breadcrumb will show which org unit this document belongs to. On the right side, I will see my selected home context:
And how do control which org unit you see when navigating back to the document regsiter?
If you click on the left dropdown in the breadcrumb, you will see that you can navigate back to the document register, with three options for the context:
1 - this option is the domain or the project the org unit for the data belongs to. In this case no domain/project is specified, so it is "O365SOL"
2 - If you choose this one, it will navigate to the document register, with context being the org unit from the current record
3 - finally you can choose to view the document register for your selected home org unit. Which in this case is Omega 365 Australia.
Note that whatever you choose here, it will not impact your selected home org unit.
if you navigate to the document register from the menu now, what will be the context?
So, your select home context is Omega 3655 Australia, and you are looking at some data with another context (Omega 365 Soltuions in Norway).
When you now select document register from the menu, it will open with the context Omega 365 Solutions.
How do you see the data from my selected home org unit...?
Click on the drop down next to your navatar, and selext the org unit you want to see the data for. The view will then be updated, so that you see the data from your selected home org unit.