Schedule Scope Items and manage schedule versions

The scheduling functionality is undergoing significant enhancements, providing the users powerful scheduling functionality.
Johnny Vik
Johnny Vik


Omega 365 Planning and Scheduling is an comprehensive tool that supports different ways of scheduling, and helps you keep track of versions of schedules. The new version will improve and simplify the user experience, yet providing powerful scheduling functionality. 

Scheduling Scope Items

Scope Items is a key data structure in Omega 365, and unifies workflows, meetings and activities. You can read more about this in this blog post: Scope Items unifies activities, workflows and meetings

With the new updates of Omega 365, the users will be able to schedule scope items using different apps

  • Gantt view
    • Provides a clear visual timeline of the scope items, making it easy to see start and end dates, and the relations between activities
    • One can scope items, add relationships between them (e.g. finish-to-start, finish-to-finish)
    • The "critical path" can be identified and visualized. A task on the critical path cannot be delayed without delaying the entire project.
  • Takt plan

Link Plans


Link Plans is the tool to use for managing versions of schedules. This could be schedules created by external parties (e.g. sub contractors) using external systems (e.g. PrimaVera and MS Project), or it could be schedules developed using Omega 365

The schedule versions can consists of schedules imported from various sources, including Scope Items, MS Project and Primavera.

Analyzing the schedule

Within Link Plans one can compare different versions with each other, simply by selecting which version to compare against:

Also, a DCMA Schedule assessment feature is available. The DCMA 14-Point Assessment is an industry standard to measure schedule quality. Schedule’s that are judged high quality by the DCMA 14-Point Assessment have a significantly higher probability of success. Omega 365 supports most of these 14 assessments, including logic test, leads test, lags test, relation type test and several others.

Several view options are available; e.g. to view the critical path, showing early and late dates and progress line.

Updating the schedule

The schedule can be updated including relations between the activities.

Note that updating the schedule in Omega 365 may not give exactly the same result as updating the schedule in other tools. The calendars must be synchronized, and even if they are, there might be differences in how the scheduling engines works.

A schedule version can also be set as read-only, which will prevent the users from doing updates.