Improved Feedback functionality

The updated Feedback functionality makes it possible to report bugs, missing features and feature requests directly into the the global Omega 365 instance. Our central support team will actively monitor the inbox to ensure that each issue is promptly assigned to the appropriate resources, minimizing delays. As part of this transition, the 'Channel' concept, used by some of our clients, will be closed down.
Johnny Vik
Johnny Vik

To report bugs, missing features, or feature requests, users need access to the Omega 365 instance. The 'Give Feedback to Omega 365' feature, available in the toolbar, makes it easy to submit issues and improvement suggestions.

Users with the appropriate access can view all reported issues within their organization and track the status of bugs, missing features, or feature requests. Feedback submitted is immediately integrated into the global Omega 365 registers for bugs, missing features, and feature requests

There are some key benefits with this concept compared to the channels concept:

  • Security: To report an issue the user need to have an account in the Omega 365 instance where the issue is registered
  • Improved efficiency: From a bug is reported till a fix is deployed to our clients, our goal is two days (One day for fixing, one day for internal testing). That issues are reported directly into the main register of bugs and missing features, ensures more efficient handling. The central support team and account managers will have immediately access to the issues and can be routed directly to the product development team.
  • Improved insight: Users with access to report the issues can access the issue and the monitor the status of the issues.
  • Reducing duplications: With issues being pushed through the channels from a huge amounts of Omega 365 instances, we have seen that many are duplicates of the issues. We believe this updated concept will reduce the number of duplications.

The following must be in place for the new feature to be available:

  1. Feedback URL is configured - this defines which solution should be used for feedback (in most cases It will also include name of the originator org unit.
  2. Users need to be member of a role with required capability to be able to see the "feedback" button.
  3. Users needed to provided access to

This will be configured by your Omega 365 support team.