Plan your workflows
Planned vs unplanned workflows
In the Workflows apps, you will notice that there is a clearer split between workflows that have a planned date, and those that do not have a planned date. Also on the home page, you will see the same split. between "All workflows", "Planned next 30 days" and "Unplanned".
It will remember the user's choice.
ASAP - As soon as possible
A workflow process can be configured, so that all workflows automatically get today's date as planned start. This is done in the workflow processes:
The setting "WFTBCASAP" (Worklow To Be Completed As Soon As Possible) will ensure that the planned start date is set to today's date.
If the workflow has not been completed, the planned start date will automatically be changed to today's date.
Workflows Plans
With workflow plans one can get an overview of the workflows in a gantt view. A workflow plan consists of workflows that are connected to the plan. We differentiate between connected workflows and monitored workflows. Connected workflows are "owned" by the selected plan, and update the planned dates directly in the gantt view. The monitored workflows are shown as read-only in the gantt view. A workflow can only be owned by one plan, while it can be monitored by multiple plans.
When adding workflows to a plan, one selects among existing workflows, and select if they are connected workflows or monitored workflows. Monitored plan are read-only in the gantt view.
Workflow Sprints
By using the Workflow Sprints functionality, you can assign a workflow to a sprint, and present the workflows in a Kanban board. The columns in a Kanban board represents typically the completeness stage. These stages can be defined by the users.
All workflows not yet allocated to a sprint, is available on the left side ("unallocated workflows"). When adding them to the board, you can move the workflow to the the relevant column, and the status will be updated automatically.
Workflow Skyline
Another way of getting an overview of the plan for the workflows, is to use the "Workflow Skyline" app. It presents the workflows in columns where each column represents the week the workflows are planned to be executed: