Release notes with the help from AI
About Omega 365 Release Notes
The release notes are available at It lists all the improvements implemented the last month, with a short description of the change.
The release notes are retrieved from the workflows register, including all the feature requests and bugs that has been implemented, and the responsible for closing the workflow has chosen to include in the release note.
The responsible will write a short summary. And for some time we have based our release notes only on that summary. Our goal is that producing the release notes should be a very lean and efficient process, but still provide the users with useful information.
Utilizing ChatGPT
Lately we have started using ChatGPT - since the workflow itself contains a lot of useful textual information, however it is spread in different steps in the workflow, and it may be partly in Norwegian.
Example: the following workflow with the title: "Feil i NT" (error in NT), the following summary is created by ChatGPT:
The workflow contained the following:
How does it work?
We have created an automatic job that runs in the background, where we send the information we choose from then workflow as input to Open AI Chat GPT engine.
We give an instruction to the chat engine to get back a more detailed and less technical description of the information entered into the workflow and to always return the result in English.
Instructions and which data we choose to include can be adjusted and adapted along the way by the system responsible to get as accurate and fine-tuned a result as we want.
When we receive the result we store it in addition to the original information to our database.
By having ChatGPT generate the summary, we both get an efficient way of producing release notes and the summary helps the users understand what changes have been implemented.
For the more technical interested we have also added a reference to which object (e.g. which web app) that this applies to: The users can choose to include this information by toggling "Include Object reference"-