Support for substance and gambling addiction

Omega 365 is an Akan-affiliated company that provides support and guidance in situations where a team member may be dealing with substance abuse or a gambling addiction.

Kjersti Reiersen is Omega 365's Akan representative. Foto: Kristian Risanger, Omega 365 Design.

Akan aims to prevent and manage addiction and substance abuse challenges. It offers a low-threshold service where colleagues can receive advice and assistance. All inquiries are handled confidentially, and participation in the Akan program is voluntary. The process often begins with "the necessary conversation," which is based on concerns about substance or addiction issues. 

“Addiction problems are often still considered taboo topics and present serious challenges for those affected, leaving them feeling vulnerable. I have experience in handling difficult situations related to these issues and feel capable of offering assistance. I wish to contribute positively to those in need of help before their situation gets out of hand,” says Kjersti Reiersen, Akan representative at Omega 365. 

How Akan works 

The Akan representative at Omega 365 is available to advise our Department Managers on how to address potential concerns and actual situations where team members may be experiencing difficulties due to substance abuse or gambling. 

If you are concerned about a colleague or want to discuss your own situation: 

  • Contact your Department Manager or our Akan representative 
  • Department Managers can seek counsel through Akan regarding the situation. 
  • Our Akan representative can provide guidance on how to handle the matter. 

Following this advice, the next step will be to engage the individual in "the necessary conversation" about the situation. 

Akan in Omega 365