Ready for Pims R5

After a successful kick-off in Klaipėda last year, Arild Røksund, Department Manager in Stavanger, and Vadim Narožnij, General Manager of Omega 365 Lithuania, are positive about the development of Pims R5.

In November 2023, developers from Omega 365 gathered in Klaipėda for a professional and social kick-off, marking the start of their development work.

Pims project management tool is used by some of Omega 365's largest clients, particularly in the oil and gas sector. Pims R4 currently has over 62 000 active users and 200 clients globally. Based on Pims R4, an integrated and more standardized Pims solution will be developed over the course of this year, which will complement Pims R4. The name of the new solution will be Pims R5. This will feature better integration between modules, and one of its strengths will be a robust planning function that can provide a fully integrated planning tool within the solution. 

Some of the largest clients in the oil and gas sector, currently using Pims R4 along with Pims PES functionality (Project Execution System), will be driving forces and partners in this new initiative. Pims R4 will continue to be developed and operated as usual, and it is believed that the new standard product, R5, will attract interest from more Pims R4 clients.

Kick-Off in Klaipėda

In November 2023, developers from Omega 365 gathered in Klaipėda for a professional and social kick-off, marking the start of their development work. The team received presentations from experienced clients and project leaders. Additionally, they received talks from board member and co-founder of Omega 365, Tor Erling Lunde. 

Alongside Røksund, who is also the project manager for the initiative, Vadim, and Arne Myskja, business developer at Omega 365 Solutions, played pivotal roles in organizing the event. Consultants from Aker BP, as well as Omega 365 consultants from Freyr and Altera, also shared insights into their work.

“The aim was to give everyone involved in the development a bigger picture of the work they are part of. It was an eye-opener, especially for the newest developers,” says Narožnij. 

“We had several presentations on how the PES solutions are used by different clients. Pims R5 will support the development of an industry standard for the execution of large and complex projects within the energy sector,” says Røksund.  

“The development work with PES has been carried out by both a technical group and a development team. The technical group consists of Omega 365 employees or consultants working on projects globally. The group also includes dedicated employees from clients who are passionate about developing the methodology,” says Røksund.  

“The technical group acts as a reference group that helps prioritize the work for the development team. The development team working on the new platform will be located in both Norway and Lithuania,” says Narožnij.   

The developers bring a wealth of experience, combining their programming skills with insights gained from client projects, which gives them a broad perspective on the needs of Pims.  

Continuing growth

Project manager Arild Røksund is optimistic about the ongoing work.   

“Active participation from users and experts at various client sites is crucial, as cross-company user forums will contribute significantly to the improvement of our product. Specialist groups within Pims R5 are collaborating across companies to identify best practices for our solutions. We need to build professional expertise together in order to continue to grow,” says Røksund.  

He is looking forward to working with the R5 project. Contact with the client is important along the way, he says.   

“One of the main challenges associated with the development of Pims R5 will be to continuously work to adapt and adjust a solution that is already in operation with many clients. Our goal has long been to establish an industry standard. It's about facilitating better control and increasing efficiency in project implementation. We have extensive experience of this from working on large industrial projects in recent years. In Pims R5, we will ensure closer integration with several Pims modules and establish work processes with best practices across all modules,” says Røksund.  

“I think communication and good collaboration across the groups will be key here. There will undoubtedly be a few bumps in the road, but it's important to stick to your guns, bring people together and work hard to find good solutions,” he concludes.