NT Highlights for March/Apri 2024
NT Db Manager further improvements/fixes.
Site setup reload button introduced.
File Upload improvements to upload chunks in parallel.
Offline apps are ready for demo.
Jobs Queue reintroduced into NT.
NT Migration ongoing
NT Scheduler deployed to all clients
- Procedures has been moved over, will continue with code modules
- Moved to use NT login in flutter app
Data grid
Dates - manually edited dates will be changed.
Bulk update will keep selection after it's completed.
Summary aggregate functions no longer dependent on data object
Import update templates changed to use Merge instead of update statement, thus allowing instead of triggers on views. unique field will be marked as required.
Datetime fields filtering were fixed to work correctly when time is adjusted.
Option to enable row dragging in grid or between grids introduced.
Import from excel will add field default values into import statement.
Export to CSV option added.
New export option to localizeDateTime.
Data object
NT Data Object Selection Control new methods introduced. getSelectedRows and getSelectedFields. Check snippets for usage.
Definition proc may have custom additional params
Developer set initial filter string will be binded to filter components.
Fixes/changes to translations, import errors will use translations, generating base string for CT apps will use latest version, instead of dev version (dev version not available after updater improvements)
Added support for DateTimeOffset fields to be used for better handling of daylight savings time.
Properties support for bulk update.
Properties support for publishing.
Properties filters will have distinct lists.
Exist clause introduced as operator in filter items. Exists options generalized.
Added support for triggering automated tests with summary reports and notifications, playright tests: nt/playwright-schedules.
Service worker enabled for all on dev for testing, Manifest file added to site (some browser would prompt to install pwa)
OTabs new prop: noWrap, which makes tabs inline with arrows to navigate to.
Hashed URL filter can be crated on SQL, by using: sfnc_O365_GenerateUrlFilter.
New generalized leaflet component for map related functionality.
Leaflet on file upload can be enabled with a prop: geoLocationBtn
App system-api-docs updated to generate NT code