Notifications for Expiring Certificates

Support for notifications for expiring documents has now been implemented. This feature allows you to configure the specific document types it applies to and set the number of days prior to the expiration date when the notification should be sent.
Johnny Vik
Johnny Vik


Certificates play a crucial role in many projects and organizations. Keeping track of their expiration dates can be challenging, especially in complex environments with multiple ongoing processes. Previously, Omega 365 lacked a built-in feature to notify users of upcoming certificate expirations, and it had to be implemented/custom-made for the clients requesting it.

Setting Up Automatic Notifications

In the Settings app, choose "Expiration Notification Settings."

Here, you can register multiple notifications for different document types. The "Days" column is used to specify how many days before the document expires the notification should be sent.
The notification settings can then be deployed to the organization by using the "Published to OrgUnits" feature.

How to Use It?

The "Expire Date" field is used to define when the document expires. The person responsible for tracking the expiration is set using the "Expiry Tracked By" field. Notifications are sent to this person.

The "Expire Date" and "Expiry Tracked By" fields can be viewed in the grid. If not already available, use the column chooser to include them in the grid.