Cost Management: Cleaner WBS app

Based on user feedback, we've updated the WBS to enhance user-friendliness with a cleaner, more streamlined design.
Johnny Vik
Johnny Vik


The first tab is now Estimates, as reviewing and updating estimates is a frequent task on this screen. The next tab is Timephasing, where the estimate is phased by cost. We’ve moved WBS Settings to the third position; previously, it was the first tab and was labeled as "Info."

The Contracts tab now has sub-tabs for Contract Elements and Contract Cost Plan instead of separate tabs

Additionally, the Scope Items tab has been relocated under the Related Data tab.

Finally, the Compare Baseline feature has been streamlined. Instead of two separate tabs, users can now simply select the baseline they wish to compare.

When will the update be availalbe?

This change will be deployed from November 6th.